Agricultural Asbestos Roof Removal

Asbestos has been widely used in this country for over a century, and in the UK alone over 1 million agricultural buildings contain asbestos material.

As part of our services, Agricultural Asbestos Removal can remove and dispose of all asbestos roofs, gutters, downpipes and other products. We have years of experience in asbestos roof removal across the UK and our specialist asbestos removal team will handle the whole procedure from start to finish.

We specialise in the removal of asbestos - especially from agricultural. We will call and inspect your roof and provide a fixed price estimate for removal and disposal. We will then carefully remove any hazardous roof material.

We promote a working partnership with our customers to assist them to comply with Health and Safety legislation and duty to manage the asbestos problem.

How much does it cost?

The most commonly asked question is how much does it cost for asbestos roof removal? The price varies on a number of different factors which we will now explain. Firstly is the quantity of roof sheets, generally for a small barn/outbuilding between 290m2-472m2 it can cost between £8,000-£13,000, the larger the area less it cost per m2 for example a larger agricultural building at 1000m2 would be £25,000. Another factor that comes into play is access. If the sheets are easily accessible then the labour cost would be less as the job can be completed in a shorter period of time however if they are not and it require us to use a MEWP or Scaffolding of some kind then this would be added on to the cost of the job.

How is it removed?

Asbestos roof removal is generally straightforward. Firstly our operatives are trained to the highest standard having all the necessary Cat B training and an annual medical and yearly face fit testing. They will then put on a paper suit, wellies, gloves and a half face Sundstrom mask for which they are face fit tested. They will then spray the sheets before hand with surfactant which will help reduce any fibre release. Then they cut the screws/bolts carefully with either bolt crops or a reciprocating saw/angle grinder. The sheets are then carefully removed and wrapped in 1000ga polythene or double bagged in 500ga coded asbestos bags. Once the sheets are removed we check for any debris which if found will be vacuumed up using a specialist HVAC. All materials are then disposed of via a licenced waste transfer station with the transfer station, us and the client receiving a copy of the hazardous waste consignment note.


Call: 08004480196


As seen at:

Harrison & Hetherington -Carlisle

Thirsk Farmers Auction Mart - Thirsk

Craven Cattle Marts - Skipton

Melton Mowbray Markets - Melton Mowbray

Sedgemoor Auction Centre - Bridgwater