Concrete Slab Removal
As one of the asbestos removal, demolition and concrete slab removal companies in the UK we encounter concrete tank removal on almost a daily basis. They are one of the most commonly found items to contain asbestos in most UK households built before 2000.
Over the years many old farm buildings have become redundant and will either have been abandoned or used for another purpose. However it is now your time to upgrade so if you require removal in order for other contractors to carry out much needed work.
Then call us today or feel free to send us a message using the contact form below for for concrete slab removal in the UK and a member of our team will provide you with a free no obligation quote today.

How much does concrete slab removal cost?
Concrete slab removal cost can vary drastically due to a number of different factors. The main one being the total area of the slab. The second being the depth. As each farm building was built differently at different times the size and quality of the foundations can vary. In some instances there can be a thing layer of slab with no footings normally found in older buildings however in newer structures you will find that they are thicker and contain rebar therefore require more work. It is recommended that a core hole is drilled and a sample taken to fully understand the make up of the slab. If you are interested in getting quotes for concrete slab removal don't hesitate to contact us today for more info.

Call: 08004480196
Email: info@agriculturalasbestosremoval.co.uk
As seen at:
Harrison & Hetherington -Carlisle
Thirsk Farmers Auction Mart - Thirsk
Craven Cattle Marts - Skipton
Melton Mowbray Markets - Melton Mowbray
Sedgemoor Auction Centre - Bridgwater